The Haunted Room Mate - Can Evil Spirits Follow Certain People from Place to Place?

1 year ago

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Have you ever experienced anything beyond the ordinary? Ghost sightings? UFOs? Bigfoot? Angels? The After Life? Talking spaghetti? Anything that is unexplained? Whatever your true story is, as long as it's mysterious and almost impossible to believe, TELL me YOUR STORY!
Click here to submit your story!
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1. Your story must be true! Or at the very least you must believe that it is true.
2. By submitting your story you agree to the possibility that I may share your story to my subscribers
3. Your story must be about your own personal experience with aliens, ghosts, cryptids, forbidden archeology, mysterious events that have no explanation. Please don't submit stories about a funny thing that happened on the way to work this morning!
Here are some acceptable examples I was abducted by aliens... I saw a UFO... Bigfoot stalked me in the forest... My dad worked for Area 51... I saw the ghost of Michael Jackson... You know the kind of stories I'm talking about.
4. Your tale must be longer than a paragraph! Flesh it out and make it sound as interesting as you can without adding embellishments!
5. You agree to me sharing your story publicly with no remuneration. (By that I mean, I can't pay you!)
6. If you are a blogger, YouTuber, Content Creator, Podcaster, and you would like a shout out then by all means submit your name and the name of your channel/site/podcast so I can share the love.
7. Finally, if your story gets told on this channel then please SHARE the heck out of it!
8. You must be over 18 to submit your story!
This video contains my very own, very personal, account of events that took place in the 2000's
All the photos in this video were found on UnSplash which offers free photos, I will provide the links soon.
The music in this video is called Ghosting and was written and produced by Kerin Gedge, which happens to be me! I will provide a link to it for download when I can.
Today’s story comes from Quora User Old Man Harker, a self proclaimed skeptic of the supernatural until one day while living in Los Angeles a co-worker asked him if he would like to be her room mate due to her current roommate relocating to New York.
Harker recounted that his co-worker and her friends were more than mildly attractive and being a red blooded American male he immediately accepted the invitation.
However the new living situation came with a disturbing twist – something supernatural was stalking the outgoing roommate.
Her move to New York had been postponed, so when the day came for Harker to move in he was given the option of sleeping on a very uncomfortable couch, but being the sort of man he was he sucked it up and stoically took to the new sleeping arrangement.
But as if the lack of a bed wasn’t enough, the room mate informed him that weird things would sometimes happen in the apartment. She explained that sometimes doors would slam. Draws would mysteriously open by themselves. But Harker just blew it off… that is until what happened that night.
As he tried to find comfort on the unforgiving sofa he caught sight of a large male figure stepping into the hallway from the corner of his eye. But when he turned to take in the sight, the man was suddenly missing from view.... find out what happens by watching the video!
stacked against a wall!
Has anything like this ever happened to you?
Please share your experience with me by following the link in the description below, or simply write to me at
Read the original Quora story here
#TellYourTale #GhostStories #KerinGedge

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