China Traditional orchestra

1 year ago

Composer: Su Wenqing, Zheng Cuiping
Arrangement for harp: Mi Guangbin
Liuqin: Liu Niannian
Harp: Mi Guangbin

With its refreshing and romantic emotional tone and strong Western compositional style, “The Courtyard After the Rain” opens up new ideas for the creation of music for liuqin. The perfect blend of liuqin and harp in this piece vividly depicts the tranquility of life and the beauty of the courtyard after the rain, offering the audience an immersive and intoxicating experience of a memorable summer day.

The summer solstice is the tenth of the twenty-four solar terms and the one with the longest daylight hours. So, in this romantic time of the year, when the days are the longest and the nights the shortest, let's enjoy a burst of coolness brought by Chinese folk music.

To share the story and culture of the 24 Chinese solar terms, from April to December 2022, we will present 12 musical sessions of traditional Chinese music, each themed in the Chinese solar terms. Please join us on this special journey as we enjoy the beauty of traditional Chinese music and roam through the four seasons.

#ChinaNationalTraditionalOrchestra #中央民族乐团 #TraditionalOrchestra

Subscribe to the China National Traditional Orchestra 's youtube channel:

The China National Traditional Orchestra was founded in 1960 and is the world’s largest performance ensemble for Chinese traditional music, offering the most consummate repertoire. It combines an orchestra of traditional Chinese musical instruments with an accompanying folk choir, and features many accomplished musicians. The orchestra is dedicated to promoting China’s folk music heritage of the past several thousand years around the world. On this channel, you can appreciate classic folk music pieces, as well as new popular arrangements, and even study traditional music online with musicians.

柳琴独奏:刘念念 竖琴伴奏:米广斌




#中央民族乐团​ #民族乐团​ #TraditionalOrchestra​



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