The Bible Can Rock Your World!

2 years ago

Yes, it's true! The Bible can rock your world! It can massively impact your life for the better! If it gets a hold of you, you will never be the same! That's because the Bible is, in fact, the Word of God.

But not everyone sees it that way. In fact, you may even how doubts about the Bible being God's Word. Does the thought ever enter your mind the Bible is nothing more than a crock of lies, just a collection of ancient, imaginative stories that were circulated among Jewish fanatics? Do you ever tell yourself things like, "Just because grandma believed this stuff doesn't mean I have to go along with it!" or, "Maybe the hecklers at work are right! Maybe I was brainwashed to believe the Bible." Could it be you no longer take the Bible seriously?

If you find yourself waffling when it comes to your confidence in the Bible, if you question the nature and value of the Old and New Testament, then you need to hear Dr. Jeff Kaplan’s message "The Bible Can Rock Your World!" It will reignite your conviction that the Bible is indeed the inspired Word of God. This is critically important because only a book with supernatural origin is worthy of being highly esteemed. Only a book that is truly inspired by God is worthy of your highest respect. Only a book with divine authorship is worthy of your undivided attention and adherence. This one of a kind book is the Bible; and, it alone is the Word of the true and living God.

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