#7 - Doug Lightfoot

1 year ago

About H. Douglas Lightfoot:
Born in Vancouver, B.C., he graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in Applied Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1952, and received an MBA from Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, in 1976. He spent eighteen years with Domtar Inc. at the Research Centre in Senneville, Quebec, working on research, engineering and economic studies of a wide variety of projects for the pulp and paper, chemicals and construction materials businesses as well as alternate energies.

Prior to joining Domtar, he spent a year as Business Analyst and five years as Design Engineer designing, building and starting up chemical plants at Dupont of Canada, Montreal, Quebec. Before that, twelve years of project engineering at Standard Chemical Limited, Beauharnois, Quebec.

He is a retired member of the Order of Engineers of Quebec, Professional Engineers of Ontario, and a Life Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

He was a member of the Global Environmental and Climate Change Centre (GEC3) and its predecessor at McGill University branch, Montreal, Quebec for 23 years until it closed in 2015. He wrote and contributed to published reports for the Centre on various subjects related to energy.

Since retirement he co-founded the Lightfoot Institute, published a dozen papers on energy and the role of CO2 in the atmosphere, and reviewed more than 250 papers for energy journals.

He looks upon his current energy work as service to the community to guide people to understand the importance of energy to our society and to making good decisions to ensure an adequate and reliable energy supply.

Nobody's Fuel - an engineer's guide to saving the planet

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Notes for climate skeptics:
ClimateGate emails:

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