Australia’s Major Bank Wants Customers MICROCHIPPED!

1 year ago

Adams and North have uncovered an absolute scandal with one Australian bank Suncorp pushing microchipping propaganda onto its customers.

This is another attempt at pushing programming on the general population to embrace a dark totalitarian world where individual freedom is surrendered to Big Government, Big Business and Big Tech.

Adams and North fought the Morrison Government $AUD 10,000 cash transaction ban because we want to conduct our affairs without government or corporate detection. Microchipping by banks and other financial institutions is an absolute assault on our freedom and human dignity.

In the past 48 hours, a Suncorp customer by the name of Lisa sent the email from Suncorp to Adams. In this communication, Suncorp sought to ask their customers about their views about microchipping and whether this an acceptable practice.

There is no legitimate reason why any Australian bank would be pushing human microchipping. The last thing we need in Australia is either Government or the private sector monitoring and tracking what individuals do and where they go.

This is the slow creep into totalitarianism and a movement away from liberal democracy which protects individual rights.

Australians must resist all propaganda efforts at surrendering peoples liberty and sovereignty.

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