Quo Vadis EU?: Borrell mulls Military Training for Ukrainian Forces in nearby Nations

1 year ago

1. The European Union will debate the launch of a major training operation for Ukrainian forces in nearby nations, the bloc's foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Monday.

The proposal will be discussed next week at a meeting of EU defence ministers in Prague, Borrell told a press conference in Santander, in northern Spain.

"I hope it will be approved," he added.

"Of course it would be a big mission, I think it would be a big mission," he said, adding "any mission has to be up to the level of the conflict".
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2. Russian diplomat blasts EU’s plans to train militants for Kiev regime

The European Union (EU) will train terrorists and Neo-Nazi militants for the Kiev regime under the guise of a mission to instruct Ukrainian soldiers, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Monday.

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell announced earlier on Monday that Brussels was discussing the issue of setting up a mission for training Ukrainian soldiers and this process "won’t be in Ukraine but in a neighboring country."

"You have to call a spade a spade. The EU will be setting up training camps to train terrorists and Neo-Nazi militants for the Kiev regime. A hundred years ago, the Europeans also did not immediately grasp what fascism was. Then they understood, but it was too late," the Russian diplomat pointed out.

The EU is expected to discuss the issue of creating the mission at an informal meeting of the bloc’s defense ministers in Prague on August 29.

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