Different Leagues: Timing is Everything

1 year ago

You’ve worked hard to make your business what it is today. Maybe you acquired a business, adding a valuable asset to your portfolio, but the company software is outdated, incompatible with web and mobile applications which are the gold standard today.

If you’re using any version of FoxPro, it’s past time to upgrade to a modern language. Microsoft ended all support of Visual FoxPro seven years ago. Maintaining the status quo—keeping VFP--puts your business at great risk.

While the competition moves ahead, increasing productivity and customer satisfaction, your business is locked out of progress. Staying in FoxPro limits your capabilities. Clients want work-in-progress reports and real-time notifications, no matter the time of day or their location.
Converting to a modern language like C#.NET with a SQL or My SQL server will allow you to streamline communication and operations, eliminating waste.

Staying with your old software is like choosing little league when you could play in the majors. ERW can help your business become great with custom software solutions that will help you exceed customers’ expectations, retain excellent talent and enhance security and stakeholder satisfaction.

We are Visual FoxPro experts, converting and supporting all versions of FoxPro from FoxBase to Visual FoxPro 9. We have many automatic conversion tools to save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars. Visit erwcp.com or call us at (248) 683-4182.

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