22 Aug 22, Knight Moves: Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary with Rene Trevino

2 years ago

Today's Topics:

1) The Queenship of the Virgin Mary is discussed along with the origins of this devotion,

2) The Knights of Columbus California State Deputy Rene Trevino is introduced, and he tells us about his journey in the Catholic faith, his family and his work as an architect,

3) In this segment, Rene tells us about his path in the Knights, from the gentle nudge from his wife to get his started through today as the State Deputy. He also discusses his close relationship with the State Chaplain Fr. John Grace, OSA, and how he has influenced the Knights and vice versa,

4) In the final segment, Rene discusses the importance of the Knights to our Families and our Parishes. He emphasizes the importance on prayer and action. He reminds each of to ask a man to join us in aiding our Pastors.

Theme: "Salve Regina" performed by Floriani. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
For more information please visit Floriani.org

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