How Many Filipinas Should You Chat With to find "The One"?

3 years ago

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When I started international online dating, I assumed I would be chatting and doing webcams with a handful of women until I could narrow the field down. As it turned out, my wife and I did it differently. My guess is most men also figure it is best to communicate with several or more at a time until one prospect starts to stand out, but I know other people who basically identified one good prospect right away and just focused on them. Do I favor one over the other? I have been asked my opinion on this so I thought I would make a video about it.

I want to emphasize that this topic allows for different opinions so I encourage anyone who happens to be watching to comment. If you are married to or have identified the Filipina you want to spend the rest of your life with, please let me know how you made that choice, how you decided to call off the search. If you are currently involved with looking for a Filipina or haven’t but would like to, let me know your thoughts on chatting with several or multiple women at the same time, as opposed to merely focusing on one woman at a time.

In this video I will compare chatting with several, maybe five, perhaps more Filipinas concurrently, with simply focusing on one woman at a time. I could be wrong but I think most men would consider the multiple-women method to be the best way to go about it. I assumed it was the only way. I ended up not doing it like that, and frankly was surprised when I prepared notes for this topic, how one-sided my opinion was on this. Watch the video and find out how many Filipinas should you chat with to find "the one".

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #DatingAFilipina #OverseasDating

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