Straight Talk to Men about Singleness and a Solution

3 years ago
15 Single and at the end of your rope? Bible verses that helped me marry. Cringeworthy things said to Single Christian Men. Does God Answer Prayer for a Wife? He did for me

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

In this video I am going to be candid as usual, and talk about a very difficult situation that you might not find easy to get empathy for. Singleness is hard, if you want to save yourself for a good woman. You may have been promiscuous in your past but now know you need to save yourself for someone. I was single a looooong time. Okay, it was 30 years without a relationship. Do you think I don’t know about the struggles and challenge to keep going and not give up?

If the YT analytics can be believed, 95 percent of my viewers, not necessarily subscribers, are between 25 and 34 and the other 5 percent are between 35 and 44. Hopefully there are many single guys scoping out Love Beyond The Sea. I want any man, regardless of age, to have a chance to marry and for me personally it was a Filipina and I had to go overseas.
That doesn’t mean I can’t recall those dark and gloomy days when I desperately needed someone to talk to. Some understood, some tried to make me feel guilty for wanting a wife. I’m not going to do that to you.

Watch Straight Talk to Men about Singleness and a Solution for encouragement to keep looking for marriage.

#GWYW #GoWhereYou'reWanted #Singleness #ProtractedSingleness

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