She's always a Filipina to me! What Filipinas are like

3 years ago

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

This video will be about qualities of a Filipina. Those of us who have married a Filipina likely heard beforehand that Filipinas make great wives, and there are many positive qualities that lead to that comment. Women of other nationalities can have the same qualities, good or bad, as a Filipina, but I will talk about the qualities that attract a man to a Filipina. I have been married to a Filipina since May 10, 2015 when we got married in the Philippines and have been so pleased with this that I started this channel called Love Beyond The Sea. I try to talk about many aspects of a foreigner Filipina relationship especially marriage.

I will include a couple of links in the description box I used to help arrange my thoughts on the topic of the qualities of a Filipina. I will start with observations I have had that don’t appear in the ones from those two links. As always, I’d like to hear from you so questions and comments are encouraged. Feel free to comment on what you like best about a Filipina.

Feminine-I will start with the obvious that is common with many foreign men, that Filipinas are very attractive. It is not the most important thing but the first thing you notice.

I interchanged “feminine” for “attractive” because to me they are the same. My wife is short with light brown skin and sometimes long silky black hair. I like to just look at my wife and admire her physical beauty. Sometimes she will notice me looking at her and say “What?” I just answer her with “Just looking at your beauty.” Honestly, I like to just look at her eyes, she’s is beautiful to me.

There are other things that I find feminine about Filipinas. Not having tattoos is feminine to me because when I was growing up, only men had tattoos. The ones that wear simple clothes that don’t attract attention to themselves is attractive to me. Not relying on makeup is attractive to me. Not having a “dirty mouth” is feminine to me. Smiling and laughing is attractive and feminine to me.

Watch the video for many excellent qualities of women from the Philippines and see why many men want to find love beyond the sea.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmMarriage #FilipinaQualities

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