If NATO (KFOR) Won't 'Do Their Job' Serbia will take action to defend its minority there - Vučić

1 year ago

The president of Serbia urged NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) to "do their job" in Kosovo on Sunday, warning that if they do not, Serbia will take action to defend its minority there.

Following the breakdown of political negotiations between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo earlier this week, which were mediated by the European Union in Brussels, President Aleksandar Vucic delivered an aggravated televised address to his country.

“We have nowhere to go, we are cornered,” Vucic said. “We will save our people from persecution and pogroms, if NATO does not want to do it.”.................https://youtu.be/YfJ23TLHwMc
2. Вучић: Обезбедићемо опстанак нашег народа на Косову и Метохији.

Председник Републике Србије Александар Вучић истакао је, обраћајући се грађанима, да се на Косову и Метохији још од 1999. године проводи перманентан терор над српским становништвом.
#kosovo #serbia #mitrovica #serbian #KosovoMetohija #albanians #nato #alexandarvucic #documents #europeanunion #aleksandarvučić #ethnictensions #europeancommission #minority #membership

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