Freedom's Pep Rally w/Jon James 8/22/2022

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Freedom's Pep Rally with Jon James on Right America Media, 9-11am et....

Andrew Tate (Big Brother) BANNED from TikTok and Meta. I don't agree with a lot of what he says, but he has a right to say it. I DO agree with what he says about the military and I'll tell you why.....

Are you ready for a (substantial) "meat" tax, you evil carnivores?! It's coming!

Biden's building a wall!!!!!

Keith Hanson interviews Brandon Straka, a gay January sixth protester, in his cell, while Ray Epps remains free and adored by the media. None of this passes the straight face test as the DOJ under Merrick (duhhhh) Garland continues its assault on conservative Americans

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