Thoughts about my Filipina Wife when I Die

3 years ago

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Hip Hip Pinay How I met my Wife on Christian Filipina

Remarry? Having been married to my amazing wife now for nearly three years and having been together here for over two years, I know what my wife “brings to the table”. I admit to talking a lot about her and thinking a lot about her and praying a lot for her, because she is so very special and precious to me. I would take her over winning a billion-dollar lottery. I have never felt so relaxed, contented and stress free. We have our disagreements and spats like we all do, but we have been able to avoid dragging them out.

Where to live? After I am gone, she will likely stay in Nebraska or return to the Philippines. After retirement I would be happy moving to the Philippines where she would be around family and friends. She is always thinking of others, one of the qualities that make her so precious to me. I think she can be a big asset to people in the Philippines, where our money would go further. The main thing for me would be getting my meds and if I needed serious medical help, would I be able to get it there?

What to do for a living? Just this week my wife surprised me by asking me if she could further her education. Her friends have told her that since she is in America, she should do that because having a degree from America is very valuable in the Philippines. That might take a couple of years however. She taught some special needs children before quitting to prepare for her journey to America. She has embraced working here in America.

I think she would still want to help children if we lived in the Philippines. I have often told her that I want her to be doing fulfilling things with her time and that doesn’t stop when I die. She saves money well and is still thinking of helping others.

How to manage financially? Part of the visa experience is showing your ability to provide. Part of the visa paperwork was including some proof you can provide for her. To help the visa along, I included a list of my assets just to have a better chance of getting the visa. You don’t need to be rich to pass that part, but I have often mentioned to my wife where our savings are and have included her in all meetings with our financial advisor. I don’t want to scare her about death, rather I want to help her see that I want to keep taking care of her after I am gone. She needs to know who to contact when I am gone.

Watch the video called Thoughts about my Filipina Wife when I Die for ideas on how to take care of your Filipina life long after you are gone.

#GWYW #GoWhereYoureWanted #FilAmLife #FilAmMarriage

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