Operation Overreach With Louise Creshfield

2 years ago

Louise Creshfield founder of (Save Our Rights UK) speaks at Hampstead Heath Empowerment Fair to (WTF is Going On) concerning the treat from the Governments Operation Overreach.

Ten Threats To Your Rights and The One Solution
Our Human Rights are vital and fundamental to a free and functioning society. Yet they are under threat from the Governments Operation Overreach.

Operation Overreach is the biggest assault on the British people’s freedoms since the first form of Parliament, the Great Counsel, who 807 years ago stepped in to protect us from King John.

But who is going to step in and protect us from Parliament today?
Us, the people.

The Bill of Rights is the biggest attack as it seeks to remove the whole of the Human Rights Act which will leave us with a Bill of Rights that ultimately undermines and weakens any semblance of Human Rights in this nation.


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