Romantically Love Doesn't Need to be Super Charged

3 years ago

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Love Beyond The Sea is a biblical pro-marriage channel to help encourage and inspire men to pursue a Filipina for marriage.

A Filipina is a woman from the Philippines and can still make you a great wife, as I have discovered myself!

My channel is to equip men for this pursuit and to be the kind of husband every Filipina wants.

I will talk about as many aspects of marital relationships to a Filipina that I can. We've been married since May 10 of 2015, getting married in only 54 days from across the world.

Of course, no one is supercharged romantically for the duration of their life or functionally. Why not get the getting while the getting is good? That’s one of the benefits of marriage. Why even bring up that “everlasting and sexually supercharged romantic love is a myth”? Yes, it is eventually.

Everything in the physical realm for all of us is in decline. Supercharged romantic love is a myth in general but the younger you are, the more supercharged it may be. Isn’t that a sensible time to get married?
Ahh you may say, what do 18-year-olds know about love and responsibility? Probably not much, they can be taught that and they can pick that up in marriage, valid marriage.

If all of us waited until we knew everything and were so-called perfectly prepared for something, we might run out of time. I hadn’t had a relationship in forever. I married my wife in less than eight weeks and committed before even meeting her in person. We have been married for six years. I knew some things, but still had to have a place to put to use what I learned about marriage, which was marriage.

As for “Romantic Love Doesn’t Need to be Supercharged”, what I am getting at is while it can start out on a high note, it will reach a crescendo before diminishing to something calmer. That is not something that should make us afraid to get married, but rather afraid to wait too long to get married.

Our bodies, our health is in decline as the years go by. I am 59 and this sort of thing is on my mind now more than it used to be. We should always want to make our time count. We marry because the thrill of sex is great and a good sex life is something to thank God for.

The important thing to know is that this need not diminish the emotional intimacy between a husband and wife, something players or those who don’t get married cannot relate to.

#GWYW #FilAmLife #Marriage

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