Neil Oliver Wakes Up With Dr Tess Lawrie

2 years ago

Aug 11, 2022

When the Covid 19 storm broke Dr Tess Lawrie immediately knew something was wrong – in the first episode of his new series Neil hears her story, the scientist who questioned Covid.

I imagine many if not most of you will have come across Neil by now. His monologues on GB News have served as oases of insight and common sense in a world where both are in short supply.

His gentle demeanour belies a sharp intellect and inquiring mind and I am so grateful to know him and walk beside him in this collective journey toward awakening. I have spoken many times before about my own process of waking up to what is really going on. But Neil is a master interviewer and his brilliant questions really had me sharing deeply about my personal experience of the last two years, and where I see us all heading. It is a gentle and, I hope, uplifting conversation and the first of his podcast series. I warmly invite you to tune in, and please do subscribe to Neil’s YouTube channel so you can stay updated on new episodes.

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