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15 seconds

15 seconds

We didn't start the fire 🔥

2 years ago

We didn't start the fire 🔥

💥LibertyResearch, barbbruce, Helecon, G5ntl5Giant lengid79, jsmunroe59, ChrisLaw1, AscendingProof, lib3rty0rd3ath, gravelgrinder1, kevinsmithjr, BobTouchette, Theratfink, Plaster, ager78, and 1969pontiaclemansman are paid Globe Earth trolls.

srfgtrone,wildwestaussie1,andlynge,PatrotProtection are feds working for Alex Jones

tonywethepeps is a retard who tolls everyone. Ronok is paid off by Soros


  • 0/2000
  • pray that we are the generation that shuts all this BS down!!

  • Everything we understand - everything we think - everything we do - it has been controlled and shaped from the start - we are not ourselves - we are not sovereign - Cybernetics - MK-Ultra on the grandest scale. Nothing you think or do is yours - you are programed.

  • Blows me away. Someone needs to send a copy to Billy Joel! This has to be what he wrote the song about.

  • At 1:14, according to Leonard Nimoy, that hand gesture is one used in Jewish Synagogs by the Rabbis, when giving the blessing. THEY use BOTH hands though, For those that don't know, Leonard Nimoy was once cast to play a character called Spock, in star trek, and he played a new alien called a Vulcan. Their ideas were apparently not that great, and so Leonard suggested things to add to spocks character. ONE was the famous salute "Live long and prosper", which was essentially what the Jewish blessing meant. JUST SAYING.... Anyway, anyone doing anything substantial in 1949 would likely have been from the "Silent generation", or earlier, just so you know. In 1949 the oldest baby boomer would have been about 3 years old! Elton John was about 2yo, BTW! So don't blame me or TRUMP or elton! Blame Pelosi or Biden! Again, just saying... I never really thought about this song in that way, but it is interesting.

  • WOW, right there in front of all of us this whole time, Now its our turn to take these commie bastards down!

  • 🤭🙈🙉🙊🦅🤣👍💯