Trail Life : Patrol Leading

1 year ago

This video is part of training for new Woodlands Trail leaders. Some of this training may only pertain to troop NC-0613.

The Woodlands Trail program is split into seven (7) branches. Each of these branches have a certain number of core and elective steps that are required for each year. The Trailman spends two (2) years in each patrol level, based on their age. The Steps are rotated in a two (2) year pattern so that they are not repeated year over year or as the Trailman moves from one patrol level to the next.

Each branch step has a Helps Document and Lesson Plan to help the leader create a program for the patrol. The documentation is setup to give the different patrols levels different perspectives on the Step. As the Trailman advances, they understand the Step in more detail.

The Lesson Plan is broken up into the 6 "F"'s. Fun, Focus, Fingers, Faith, Family, and Forest (or Branch) Award.

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