What happen around the world and what we can do - A clip from "Slow to Anger, Great in Power"

1 year ago

What happen around the world and what we can do?

A clip from the King Sunday service (21.08.2020)

Satan's power comes from sexual sin
Hyung Jin Nim started his Sunday sermon by discussing how, in the late 1940s and 1950s Alfred Kinsey falsified data in order to “prove” children were sexual from birth. His agenda-driven research, which included the sexual abuse of infants and toddlers, was used to normalize premarital sex, homosexuality and pedophilia.

It was also used to change laws all across the U.S., reducing penalties for rape and lowering the age of consent as well as for promoting sexual rights education which lacks substantial discussion of marriage, fidelity or abstinence. Claims of the Kinseyan cult to be "scientific" are bogus. For instance, research shows premarital sex with even one partner other than your spouse increases chance of divorce by 3 times! Teachman, J., (2003), “Premarital sex, premarital cohabitation, and the risk of subsequent marital dissolution among women,” Journal of Marriage & the Family 65, 2, 444-455.

God's judgment is coming; people of God go to pray
For what we have to go to pray for?
For God’s will to be done, for His Kingdom to come.

China is been hit with a massive trap; Flooding, diseases, more poverty and then war

Within China, God start to touch with the Holy Ghost
Just last week we said to pray for a revolution to start from inside the Chinese nation and all over others nations in the world.
We do not want intercontinental war, that what the globalist and evil pushing the world into.
If Us, Russia and China fighting their power increase if we go into intercontinental war. Not only that, we can have nuclear devastation; that what they are trying pushing.
The other way it can go, is that the Holy Ghost start moving and touching peoples and this will be from each nation.
Right now, there is a massive crisis in China
China is trying to get of Taiwan, but God is hitting China with massive Droughts
They face financial crash; people prevented to take their money and savings from the bank
So China is on the brink of civil war
This will stimulate people to think: “well wait a minute, where are we heading too?” The people of China can rise up and stand against the government; and if in all nations of the world, all the patriots will do that, then they will not stay under global communism

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