Letting Go is Magic for Creating Abundance and Happiness with Stephanie McAuliffe

3 years ago

How do I let go of the past? Why is it so hard to let go of the past? How do you stop dwelling on the past and start moving forward? These are questions we talk about in this episode of Now It’s My Turn! With Lana McAra and Stephanie McAuliffe.

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Lana McAra is the host of "Now It's My Turn! Where the 50+ woman awakens her spark and en-joys her life" on the Awake TV Network where she does healing work with her viewers every Friday at 10 a.m. Pacific / 1 p.m. Eastern.

An ordained minister and spiritual adviser, Lana is an intuitive healer who uses a combination of energy work, angel healing and brain science to create soul alignment with the body, mind and spirit using her proprietary method called the Gentle Flow Technique which feels like guided meditation, but create permanent and gentle change.

Today’s guest, Stephanie McAuliffe, is an Illuminator. As a master healer, she sees with laser-like focus that which you haven’t been able to see. She provides a portal to release at the root the energies you’re ready to let go of – body, mind & spirit.

She deeply understands the impact of trauma held within the body and the importance to our vitality to clear and heal it. She specializes in working with the hardscrabble and deeply ingrained energies, energy that is many times generational. Just as hers were.

After leaving a 27-year career on Wall Street, her mission is to guide humanity to the powerful magic of sitting in the open question, inspiring us to connect more deeply with our heart’s calling, moving beyond the stories that hold us back and step into our own path by shining a light on her own.

Visit www.StephanieBMcAuliffe.com for more information.
Pick up your free Boundaries Worksheet to explore the question of “Who Am I?” at http://StephanieBMcAuliffe.com/boundaries

For an example of Lana’s work, watch this video now: https://youtu.be/uxllCObRyjw

Please reach out and connect to Lana and say hello!
~FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/nowitsmyturn/
~Linkedin: http://linkedin.com/in/lanamcara
~ YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/2DjHteT

For more information on Lana's private clearing sessions,
EMAIL: lana@lanamcara.com

VIDEO AUDIO RECORDING: © LANA MCARA (ROSALIE DOW) Copyright 2020 All rights reserved.
Music: Operatic_3 from YouTube Library https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8UtWLngE1s

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