Jude 1:24-25 The ONLY GOD

1 year ago

Jude 1:24-25 The only God
Psalm 14:1 says that only a fool would look at the world and say that there is no God. If you continue in that chapter, the author goes on to say that mankind simply doesn’t seek to know and understand who God is, so they have turned away to corruption. Our current society has fallen head long into this as we have sought every imaginable way to explain away the existence of God and His intelligent design of our universe. Jude ends his letter by making sure that everyone reading it knows that there is a God, He has all glory, power, majesty, and authority, and His name is Jesus Christ. This message is not popular in our society today as the political realm, public school system, and most private employers tell you to keep you God to yourself. They preach tolerance and acceptance of ideas and views but draw the line when someone starts speaking of the one true who has all power and authority as Jude did.
Why is this message so disturbing to people who claim to the ambassadors of tolerance? The reason the message of Jesus Christ is so horrible to them is because it stands in direct contradiction to the demonic agenda of the spirit of the anti-Christ who seeks to come to power. 2 Thessalonians 2:8 says that the “lawless one” (anti-Christ) will be overthrown by the simple words spoken by the One True God. For the “lawless one” to come to power then absolute truth must be removed from our society. Truth must become relative to the individual so that nothing is unacceptable if the beholder deems it good. Biblical stances on the family, gender, sexuality, and morals must be tore down to pave the way for the demonic over through of society and the rise of the “lawless one.” Jude makes clear that there is only one true God and Savior and despite what our world tells us this is a truth that we should all be clinging to and shouting from the roof tops. JESUS is LORD and our only hope.

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