What Is Quiet Quitting - And What To Do About It

1 year ago

You may be hearing about it - let’s examine it

One of the trending terms on the internet these days is “quiet quitting.”

It’s an interesting and, apparently, growing concept.

Join me for this video as we examine quiet quitting and what it might mean for your career and business.

As you enjoy the video join me in the comments with your thoughts and ideas.


Economic Ninja

Video Contents:

0:00 - Introduction
0:41 - Disclaimer
0:47 - Growing Trend
3:02 - For Companies
4:50 - For Individuals
7:25 - What Is Right
8:48 - Bringing It All Together


NOTE: While legal issues are discussed this is education and is not legal advice. It is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Please consult your own attorney on your situation and to get legal advice about your circumstances. Courts are unpredictable may disagree with the author’s opinions.

This is not financial or investment advice.

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#quietquitting #employees #employeeissues

Video Concepts:

What Is Quiet Quitting - And What To Do About It, quiet quitting, employees, employee issues, dealing with quite quitting, dealing with employees, what to do about quiet quitting, recession, depression, economic downturn, r shawn mcbride, mcbride for business

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