Here is How Filipino Family Importance is Growing on Me

2 years ago

I am impressed by the family closeness in the Philippines. Have seen it first hand on four trips to the Philippines. In this video I will explain ways I have been moved by what I have learned.

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Love Beyond The Sea is a biblical pro-marriage channel to help encourage and inspire men to pursue a Filipina for marriage.

A Filipina is a woman from the Philippines and can still make you a great wife, as I have discovered myself!

My channel is to equip men for this pursuit and to be the kind of husband every Filipina wants.

I will talk about as many aspects of marital relationships to a Filipina that I can. We've been married since May 10 of 2015, getting married in only 54 days from across the world.

It was probably after I married my Filipina in 2015 that I began to pick up on the idea that family is important in the Philippines. I knew basically nothing about the Philippines when I married my wife, not even where to find it on a map. I wanted a good wife and I got one! Today’s video is about the impact the significance of family in the Philippines has had on me.
Family is a top priority to a Filipino, so it’s helpful to learn what you can about this dynamic as you look for a Filipina to marry.

The family unit in the Philippines is where my wife could be understood, accepted, protected, supported, made to feel secure and loved. There are families in America where I am, that have similar qualities but it may be that Filipinos take it all to a higher level. Here are some ways Filipino family importance is growing on me.

Respect for family-It starts at the top with a desire to honor their father and mother, a biblical command. This is a wonderful thing. I admit that my honoring of my father and mother have not been good, and since meeting my wife, it seems even worse now. My father passed a long time ago but my mother lives with us, so I have a chance for some redemption. Aiza has been a great addition to our small family here in America, fitting in seamlessly.

Sometimes she will tell me to do something for my mom and always asks my mother if she wants some of the food we bought, for herself. Now I know where she got her good manners from… her family. By the way her parents were married for over thirty years.

Shared wisdom-Just think about all the wisdom a Filipina could acquire with so many family members in her life! As often as they spend time together, they could acquire much good advice. We had a lot of principal sponsors at our wedding and I got to know two of them (a married couple), well enough to be able to keep in touch if I needed advice, and I have.

Helping others in family-This is the positive trait that gets the most negative feedback from a foreigner seeking a Filipina, at least when sending money back home to the Philippines is involved. It’s ingrained in the culture that she will support her family if she is working abroad or not. She will face shame if she doesn’t. Foreign men need to know this. In some cases, there is tremendous pressure put on the one working overseas. A westerner must understand this.

That is just one way of helping others in the family, it tends to get all the headlines, but it is only one of many ways they try to help each other. If help is needed building something, they pull together, or to cook for a big event, or to fix something, they will help any way they can, I have seen this first-hand in the four times I have been in the Philippines. Hear more ways by watching the video.

#GWYW #FilAmLife #Marriage

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