First AIDS outbreak was shortly after roll-out of hepatitis B vaccine among gay community 🤔

2 years ago

Dr. Lee Merritt says that the first outbreak of HIV-AIDS was only a few months after the mass roll-out of the hepatitis B vaccine among the gay community. 🤔

It is becoming ever clearer that the term 'emerging infectious disease' is a cover-up for what are really negative vaccine side-effects and possibly 'accidents' with research on pathogens. See also:

The Truth About Monkeypox

I wrote in the description of that video:

Monkeypox was first discovered when lab monkeys were injected with the polio vaccine, so it's highly plausible that monkeypox is a vaccine adverse effect, not (just) an infectious disease.

Monkeypox first showed up in humans in the 1970's during large scale efforts to eradicate smallpox through mass vaccination. This strengthens the vaccine adverse effect hypothesis.

'Monkeypox' is showing up again in 2022, and it is still nearly indistinguishable from shingles, which is a know adverse effect from the COVID jabs. The largest common denominator between all 'monkeypox' cases (although this is never mentioned), seems to be that they had the COVID jab. This is more proof of the 'vaccine' adverse effect hypothesis. (Men having sex with multiple men are at increased risk.)


Apart from vaccines, what people who have increased susceptibility to 'infectious' diseases have in common, is unhealthy diet/lifestyle/environment and comorbidities. The reasoning is that these lead to increased susceptibility to viruses.

But what if viruses don't have anything to do with the disease? What if the unhealthy diet/lifestyle/environment and comorbidities lead to disease directly?

See also: Occam's Razer: "[W]ith competing theories or explanations, the simpler one, for example a model with fewer parameters, is to be preferred."'s_razor

Both dr. Peter Duesberg and PCR-inventor Kary Mullis (IIRC) explain that the gay men who suffered from AIDS, also tended to have extremely unhealthy lifestyles, with chronic use of multiple recreational drugs (such as poppers), and with chronic lack of sleep, among other things.

Poornima Wagh, PhD explains in this video that people who get malaria also tend to have deficiencies in B-vitamins and that if they receive the B-vitamins in adequate doses, the malaria also tends to go away.

Dr. Merritt adds that the gay men who are susceptible to 'monkeypox', already tend to have a weakened health status due to their unhealthy lifestyle. Now they also got the COVID and other 'vaccines', which causes negative side-effects. The toxic combination of both causes symptoms that are ascribed to the monkeypox virus. But the pox are likely just the body's endeavor to get rid of toxins.

Segment starts around 49 min in original.

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