Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 11th Dominica after Pentecost...21 August 2022 AD...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the 11th Dominica after Pentecost, the Feast of St. Joanna Frances Fremiot de Chantal, Widow, within the Octave of the Assumption...21 August 2022 AD...

Sermon of His Holiness Pope Jacobus I on 11th Dominica after Pentecost...21 August 2022 today's Gospel Christ Our Lord teaches by His miracle of curing the deaf and dumb man that the supernatural powers of God are above the means of human understanding and comprehension, and that God is Almighty and can do all things, and so in today's Sermon We need to reflect on such Divine powers and that the patience of Ours cannot be set aside and impatience with what God proposes in His determined will He will accomplish regardless of what obstacles there may be, and no matter how many forces assemble against it, including against His true Roman Catholic Church, Divine Institution, outside of which there is no salvation. Those who obey Our Lord's Church will be rewarded, who are truly Catholic and within Her bosom, and those who will not do that, who thus reject the truth and justice of God, by their obstinate denial of the Divinely given Authority which the true Catholic Church in Her Supreme Pastor the true Sovereign Pontiff possesses, these heretics, apostates and schismatics will regret their disobedience to God through His upcoming wrath and worldwide punishment...But the true Roman Catholic Church, and Her very few children, remain protected by He had promised...


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