20 08 2022 - Melbourne Protest Rally Part 2 of 6

1 year ago

March up Elizabeth Street to Lonsdale Street.
Calling out to notify people of the lies the doctors are telling which are killing children due to deadly toxic chemicals being injected into their bodies.
On the Over Road Walkway people on windows to see and hear what is happening as Freedom Protest Rally stands up for the rights and freedoms and lives of all within the building and outside the building.
Many people get their phones up to video / photo of the Melbourne Protest Rally.
Long line of Clowns In Costumes just stand around doing absolutely nothing for nobody.
At 11:00 to 11:15 guy in black jacket, one could only assume he hates freedom and his life and wants to live in a 2mX3m cubicle in a concentration camp and have the WEF implant a chip in his brain so they can control him.
March up Swanston Street to Victoria State Library.
Strange unusual sights at Victoria State Library.
Speeches at Victoria State Library.
Truth Speech revealing treason & misconduct & what is happening around the country.
Speech about pathetic treasonous premier who treats war veterans as is own personal entertainment who must revolve around him.
Song "I Am Australian".
Beautiful Child Drumming The Heart Beat Drum Of Love.
It is for their future everyone is standing up and Marching for.
March down Swanston Street while over a dozen Criminals On Patrol crowd around follow right behind the Drummers. ( Why is there SO OFTEN large amount of Criminals On Patrol following right behind all the Drummers ? ? Both male and female Criminals On Patrol ).
March up Lonsdale Street then down Russell Street to Burke Street.

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