STEN EKBERG 1 | FATTY LIVER main causes: congestion from excess fructose, toxins, insulin

2 years ago
presents episode 552 | Dr Sten Ekberg
Dr Sten Ekberg podcast

Dr Sten Ekberg on MYTHS about the causes
of fatty liver...
Fried Foods
-bad because generally fried in vegetable oils
~processed, oxidized, bleached, deodorized
~become toxic & rancid
OK to use saturated fat: lard, coconut oil

"People think that if you eat saturated fat...
-you will store saturated fat in the body
Cow: source of beef is saturated fat, so
-cow has a bunch of saturated fat in body
But, if we are what we eat, how did
saturated fat get INTO the cow?
-cow eats grass by choice
-grass biotransforms into saturated fat
Why would this happen differently in a human?
-our bodyfat does not come from eating saturated fat

"In humans it is also biotransformation...
-source of body fat is not grass, but
-excess fuel is turned into fat for storage...
~IF accompanied by excess INSULIN
"People have it backwards...they say that if
the liver is full of fat, it becomes insulin resistant
It is the excess fuel & excess insulin that creates the fat...
Now when liver is congested, it becomes insulin resistant"

"The real cause of fatty liver is congestion!
-caused by being overwhelmed by foods that
ONLY the LIVER can process
-first thing that clogs liver: alcohol
NEXT: fructose
-the reason white sugar is so bad: 50% fructose
THIRD: toxins
-if liver is already busy with fructose...trouble handling toxins
FOURTH: insulin
-when lifestyle spikes insulin constantly, aggravates the liver
-will prevent liver fat burning and increase insulin resistance

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