The Real Motive Behind the Mar-a-Lago Raid

2 years ago

This is the one thing I want to stress, now that this is an ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation they will come out to the American public and able to say, this is an ongoing CI investigation you will never be allowed to see the Russia gate doc’s or any other doc’s that President Trump lawfully declassified, and they will hide it from the public.

President Trump made it his mission to declassify and be transparent. In October of 2020 he issued a sweeping declassification order for every Russia Gate document, and every single Hilary Clinton document. On the way out of the White House he issued further declassification orders declassifying whole sets of documents.

A key fact that most Americans are missing, President Trump as a sitting president is the unilateral authority for declassification, he can literally stand over set of documents and say these are now declassified and that is done with definitive action immediately.

Bureaucrats at the National Archives are the ones that referred this to the Department of Justice. These are the same principal that failed to refer Hillary Clinton to the Department of Justice, when they got their hands on the classified emails from those servers.

The National Security Officials involved are the likes of John Carlin who was the Assistant Attorney General for National Security who authorized the Russia Gate hoax to begin with.
He is now number three official at the DOJ and Lisa Monaco is the number two official who was his superior back then.

This is the one thing I want to stress, now that this is an ongoing FBI counterintelligence investigation they will come out to the American public and able to say, this is an ongoing CI investigation you will never be allowed to see the Russia gate doc’s or any other doc’s that President Trump lawfully declassified, and they will hide it from the public.

Congress has a monumental task ahead of them come November. They better start subpoenaing these documents immediately and putting these people before the American public. Merrick Garland and FBI director Chris Wray have failed in their mission of all the law, they've become political huckster and they are completely destroying our Constitution and putting on a two teer system of justice.

Fellow Patriots:
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