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2 years ago

SERBIA REPORT: your weekly dose of the third world

Highest legal income earner in Serbia is a government owned gas company head and also a high ranking Socialist party member https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/bajatovicu-primanja-oko-34-000-evra/
Inflation in Serbia at 12,8% (real number probably closer to 25%) https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/inflacija-u-srbiji-128-posto-rastu-cijene-hrane-i-energenata/2387844.aspx
Serbian government wastes public money by buying 270.000 euros worth of alcoholic beverages https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/alkohol-za-drzavu-ove-godine-dupla-tura-a-od-gradjana-se-trazi-da-stede/
The head of Serbia's National Bank blames increase in weddings and celebrations after COVID for the nearly 200% increase in the price of potatoes https://nova.rs/vesti/biznis/tabakovic-okrivila-svadbe-za-poskupljenje-krompira-hit-objasnjenje-guvernerke/
Accident during pool maintenance releases a cloud of poison gas that sends two people to the hospital at a spa in Croatia https://rs.n1info.com/region/incident-u-termama-tuhelj-u-hrvatskoj-dve-osobe-zavrsile-u-bolnici/

Other stories:
The first electric (meme) car made in Macedonia to be put into production as of 2024 https://rs.n1info.com/scitech/prvi-elektricni-automobili-makedonske-proizvodnje-se-ocekuju-2024/
Farmers blockade the city of Novi Sad, Serbia for over a week in protest of government policy https://nova.rs/vesti/drustvo/sedmi-dan-protesta-poljoprivrednika-prosirena-blokada-u-novom-sadu/
Kosovo imposes electricity rationing (and its only August) https://nova.rs/vesti/drustvo/od-danas-restrikcije-struje-na-kosovu/
20.000 homosexuals expected to come to Belgrade for the Europride event https://nova.rs/emisije/goran-miletic-gostovanje-nova-s/
Scheme for travelers from Serbia and Turkey to enter each country with any kind of photo ID falls thru https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/u-tursku-i-dalje-samo-sa-pasosem/
Gay activists forced to abandon their plans for having a performance at a monastery and an elementary school as part of Europride after their plans leak to the media causing public backlash https://rs.n1info.com/vesti/021-rs-siri-se-laz-da-posetioci-prajda-stizu-u-krusedol-i-sremske-karlovce/
13 year old Darwin award nominee falls out of a trackless train in Belgrade, Serbia https://nova.rs/vesti/hronika/decak-13-ispao-iz-turistickog-vozica-na-kalemegdanu/
15 year old girl gang raped in a park in Zagreb, Croatia (lack of description of suspects in the media makes it likely that it was perpetrated by illegal Arab migrants) https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/u-parku-u-centru-zagreba-silovana-15godisnja-djevojcica-cetvorica-uhicena/2387641.aspx
Two people steal a watch, then rob a policeman who tried to arrest them in Sibenik, Croatia https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/u-sibeniku-uhvaceni-u-kradji-sata-pa-opljackali-i-policajca-koji-ih-je-uhvatio/2387803.aspx

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