Counterparts - Mr. ESQ - June 7th 2022

2 years ago

Mr. ESQ has blossomed into a fine artist since entering the Canadian entertainment scene. Based in Victoria, British Columbia, Mr. ESQ started music when he was 12, writing down his thoughts in a poetic style. He started to flow with a cadence and began putting his writing to beats. During house parties, his peers would request him to freestyle, which helped him to discover his love for performances and sharing his writing with others. Sadly, he began to veer off the path of music when he began working in his teens and didn’t come back to it until he was incarcerated.”

Born as the youngest male of six siblings with three older brothers and sisters, he naturally gravitated to his brothers, which opened him up to the realities of life. Sooner than expected, he got into drug distribution and became a driver for illegal activities before he was old enough to own his driver’s license. At age 18, Mr. ESQ was expecting a son and decided to track back from the violent lifestyle he had adopted. Unfortunately, his son died, and the event induced a dark chapter. He began to drink heavily, and not long after, Mr. ESQ had to face fourteen years in the Federal penitentiary. The prosecution eventually got a conviction, and he ended up with a combined sentence of ten years.

At the Federal penitentiary, Mr. ESQ began to make self-discoveries, which changed his life. Today, he has a daughter, a business, and a budding musical career. “I want people to listen to my stories, learn from my experiences and not make the same mistakes I did. I hope they internalize my stories and use them for their growth. My ultimate goal is to help guide those in their youth down a better path and give them the knowledge and education to ensure they don’t make the same mistakes I did.”

Through mentorship and coaching, Harrison Mresq, known by his stage persona as Mr. ESQ, Predominant Studios has aided him in improving his voice talents by exploring his hip-hop roots but also experimenting with other genres that suit his voice, such as R&B and Pop/Country.

The single Rich Problem by Mr. ESQ featuring Madchild is available in stores and streaming everywhere. My Mother’s Day is available everywhere on May 8th, 2022. Fans can expect an exceptional rendition of his life and experiences.

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