From Bed-Bound to 6-Figures, How Coach A.M. Williams Leveraged His Expertise from His Hospital Bed

3 years ago

What can I learn from a disability? What can I leverage now that I’m bed-bound? How can I make it to the top when I can’t take the stairs? How can I turn a coaching practice into a 6 or 7-figure business? These are questions we talk about in this episode of Now It’s My Turn! With Lana McAra and Coach A.M. Williams

Today’s guest, Coach A.M. Williams is a Results Coach who helps experts transform their expertise into high-leveraged offers. Owner of A.M. Williams Coaching Co., LLC, he has coached and trained executives, lawyers, doctors, recording artists other coaches & consultants over the past 10 years from a bed-bound state.

Since his diagnosis of incomplete paraplegia (extreme weakness in legs), Coach A.M. has discovered the gift of challenges & mastered the art of transforming adversity into your greatest advantage. Author of the best-selling book Resilience: Turning Setbacks into Comebacks, his syndicated radio show Yes, Go! broadcasts to 300 radio stations in the UK and North America each month. His magnificent obsession is helping high performing professionals and entrepreneurs use leverage to create the life they want.
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Lana McAra is an ordained minister and spiritual adviser, an intuitive healer who uses a combination of energy work, angel healing and brain science to create soul alignment with the body, mind and spirit using her proprietary method called the Gentle Flow Technique, a carefully crafted form of guided meditation that creates permanent change quickly and easily—without willpower.

For an example of Lana’s work, watch this video now:

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VIDEO AUDIO RECORDING: © LANA MCARA (ROSALIE DOW) Copyright 2020 All rights reserved.

Music: Operatic 3 from YouTube Library

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