Selection Code, Mike Lindell’s Moment of Truth Summit

1 year ago

In this documentary, a brave county commission clerk and gold star mother for Mesa County named Tina Peters almost by accident discover the most scandalous conspiracy of our generation when the only thing she wanted to do was run a fair election when she suddenly became embroiled in a nationwide conspiracy to defraud the American People. democrat operatives and government agents as well as deep state actors decided to make her life a living hell as they released media hit pieces on her and raided her home with the FBI all because she gets a little bit too close of revealing the method of how bad actors stole the presidential election from Donald J. Trump. There were many irregularities with the 2020 election and the weeks after, but Tina’s life changed forever after she had her election data backed up after a crooked and nontransparent secretary of state named Jena Griswold made a decree that all counties in Colorado would have a ‘trusted build’ update installed on all voting machines throughout the state. Tina, who clearly had suspicions especially with all of the hubaballo that was going on about all the problems that had happened during the presidential election of 2020 hired an IT technician to perform an image backup which she handed over to database analyzer Jeffrey O’Donnel and Walter Donnelly who confirmed that not only was the voting database changed before and after the ‘trusted build’ update, but they were able to prove that it was changed in a way to hide previous records from the original database which is clearly illegal and violates all federal law. Jeff O’Donnel and Walter Donnelly go on to explain how you can extrapolate their findings to other states where similar irregularities with the vote happened. Even though Lara Logan appears in the documentary, she does not make an appearance in the film due to the fact that she has become so involved in her investigative research with the machines that she is going to continue her work to release an expose. Due to time constraints, they had to release ‘Selection Code’ to make it in time for Mr. Lindell’s Moment of Truth Summit but the director has confirmed to stay tuned for part 2!

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