You Won't Believe How Easy This Is! Pressure Canned Beef Stew | Every Bit Counts Challenge Day 20

2 years ago

It is day 20 of the Every Bit Counts Challenge put on by  @Three Rivers Homestead and today Kristy is going to walk you through the process of canning beef stew. This easy and delicious canning recipe will allow you to stock your pantry with homemade convenience food that you can just grab off your shelf for a quick dinner.

This recipe came from @Homesteading Family and if you haven't checked out their channel, be sure you do so. They have so many amazing canning recipes!

Tools Used:
-All-American Pressure Canner:
-Jar Lifter:

Ball Pressure Canning Guide:

Every Bit Counts Challenge Playlist:


#everybitcountschallenge #pressurecanning #homesteading

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