Pfizer Data Released - Episode One - Clinical Sites

2 years ago

#Freedom #pfizerdocuments
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Court ordered release of Pfizer's clinical trial data reveals information.
1st Episode of approximately 150 files (so far) have been released. I will do the fun and go through each one for you all.
Please hit that like, comment (no matter your thoughts), Subscribe with notifications so you know when I upload the next files and SHARE SHARE SHARE!
This wont be easy and takes time (NOT THE 75 Years they tried at first).
Show me some love!
If you feel you want to donate some love for the appreciation of time this takes to do these video, consider throwing some cha chings my way via
cashapp using the cashtag: $grayqj
It will be very appreciated and increase my dopamine in my massive brain. ;)
My email is in my channel description if you want to send me anything.

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