Extreme and Unusual Weather Prophecy Fulfilled

2 years ago

This video is the word of God give to several prophets like Amanda Grace, Jeff Culver, John Paul Jackson, Robin Bullock, Madeline James, Timothy Dixon, Veronika West and Julie Green on Extreme and Usual Weather. There are some that are completely fulfilled and many that are in the process of being fulfilled.

Here is the Evidence:

Extreme and unusual weather
Amanda Grace
You shall see snow fall in a very UNLIKELY place as the earth is being cleansed and purged, as the enemy attempts to get ahead of his appointed time

Amanda Grace
A sudden snow squall watch and see says the lord. Snow is cleansing, another unlikely occurrence to confirm what is being spoken this day

Jeff Culver
There will be an Increase In large long track tornadoes
John Paul Jackson

There will be places where hail falls and it will be over a foot thick of hail. There will be softball sizes of hail and 24 inches of rain in 24 hours. (FULFILLED)

There will be tornadoes with such force that automobiles will become airborne missiles. (FULFILLED)

We're going to see tornadoes coming because there are going to be changes in the jet streams, the climatological changes, they are going to have to invent a higher category of tornado. I think the highest it goes to right now is F5. I think it's going to have to go to F6. Whatever category they don't have, that's what they're going to have to have because they've never measured wind speeds in tornadoes this high before. That's coming.

Hurricanes that are over 500 miles wide are going to hit this nation

Robin Bullock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Woh4tiCcghA&t=2856s
Relevant Part: Stand! For temperatures now will begin to drop at unseasonable times. (Starts at 2:29:26)

Madeline James https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27117
In the natural, we're going to see record news stories about the wind. This will be a very active tornado season. We must pray for the safety of people, but the Lord is releasing the winds (angelic) to release the winds of change and transformation. Watch where these winds show up; it will be a sign of change to come. The winds will even show up in some unusual places where tornadoes are not as common. Change is on the horizon

Timothy Dixon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TgPNTZMYu0
A drastic change in the weather's coming saith the Lord. Spring shall not be spring, and summer shall not be summer, and the fall shall not be the fall, for the temperature shall swing opposite directions, in record-breaking temperatures

Veronika West https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/a-divine-convergence-zone-over-a-war-zone/

“Watch! Strange Weather Patters and a fast moving Weather Fronts will be seen taking place over Europe, for a Divine Convergence Zone is forming over a War Zone. A Divine Convergence will bring a Supernatural Divergence!”
Early this morning, while praying for the on going conflict in The Nations, suddenly I saw in The Realm of The Spirit what I can only describe in earthly terms as a Weather Vane, which was spinning with such great speed that it seemed to be standing still.
I could see something beginning to take place in the heavens that would greatly impact and influence Weather Patterns over The Nations of Europe in the coming days.
In the natural, I saw a strange and fast moving Weather Front suddenly forming, that was heading towards the nation of Ukraine and other bordering nations, and in The Realm of The Spirit, I saw flashes of lightning.
The sound of thunder violently shook the heavens and mighty rushing winds were blowing. Thick clouds began forming in The Realm of The Spirit over The Nations of Europe.
The Spiritual Atmosphere felt very heavy, and a strange sensation of humidity filled the air, as heat began to rise and increase.
The Spiritual Realm over The Nations of Europe felt heavily pregnant with the Sovereign Purposes and Pans of God.
Something was about to break. Something powerful was now being shifted and turned.
I could feel a type of Spiritual Turbulence taking place in the heavens, and like powerful birthing contractions, I could see what looked the very womb of heaven, moving and contracting over The Nations of the Earth.
Then suddenly, I saw a Portal opening up over The Nations of Europe, and a great Light broke forth, piercing a veil of deep darkness that covered the lands. Then came a sound of breaking, and then the sound of mighty Rushing Waters could be heard.
Then I heard these Words, ”Brace! Brace! Batten down the hatches, for Nations have entered into a time of birthing!
Watch! For a Divine Convergence Zone is now forming over a War Zone. Yes! For a Divine Convergence brings forth a Supernatural Divergence, as Boundary Lines are being shifted and rearranged and battle lines are being drawn.
For a synergy of the ages is now taking place over the nations! See! For generational cycles are being broken, as Nations are now coming full circle!
Watch and listen! Tick-tock…! Tick-tock…! I say, watch the Clock, for The Hands of Time are now moving within wheels… within wheels… within wheels…
For the sound of My Seven Spirits shall go forth to strike and to shake the heavens and bring to birth in the Earth a great Spiritual Awakening that shall Change, Transform and Reform the Nations.
For now, a new Kingdom Era is being made manifest in The Nations of the Earth!”
Julie Green https://rumble.com/vwpmf7-the-time-has-come-for-the-world-to-know-the-great-i-am.html

They will call it a monstrous storm. It is about to hit the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and France. This storm, My children, is to prove that a perfect storm is hitting your enemies. I have told you about these storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes. Do not fear and be discouraged. I am moving to deliver you. Trust Me more than what you see. I will protect you.

Watch Poland. A major weather event will take place in your land, and it will be breaking news everywhere. My children, this event is yet another sign to let you know I am in control of this hour of confusion, and everything will be okay.

A major lightning storm will hit your land Oh, United States in Washington D.C. Yes, and multiple States as well. It will destroy and start multiple fires to destroy things against you. Vengeance is Mine, saith the Lord, and this is the hour of vengeance.

The winds of change are here. Watch for gusting wind reports in the news.

They will talk of major unprecedented Derechos. No way! They will say that an inland hurricane of this magnitude has never been recorded

Julie Green
Can not find video, read 1st paragraph

Feb 28
For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to brace for the month of March. Things will begin to really shake with unusual weather events, rumors of wars, economies, instability everywhere and in everything, but, My children, this is My hand moving against your enemies and the enemies against the One True God. Do not fear! I have given this Earth to My children. Every person and everything they used to control and enslave to take this world hostage, I will destroy. No power formed against you shall prosper. Nothing the enemy does nor anything they try against you will work. It will come to nothing.
This prophecy tells about out of control, unpredictable, powerful, devastating, and often massive storms and severe weather that will wreck havoc on the Earth. Some of the predictions of events that will occur because of this wild, rampant, out of control weather are a Super (Cat 6) Hurricane, thunderstorms with Softball and larger sized hail that do massive damage, a wild, out of control, and completely unpredictable jet stream, storms dumping 3ft+ of snow in 6 hours or less (ie, super blizzard), rainfall totals of 24 inches in 24 hours or less from non-hurricane, non-tropical super cell thunderstorms, and Super (F6) Tornadoes with winds exceeding 350mp,,




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