Windows XP - Computer Software & Hardware Audit Programs

1 year ago

Windows XP : Computer Software & Hardware Audit

A couple of my favorite programs for finding product keys, hardware, software and other misc. settings. These programs are very useful when upgrading, reinstalling Windows or trouble shooting network settings.
*N.B./Disclaimer - This video shows one of possibly many ways, under one computer's configuration, to implement the desired effect. If you choose to follow this example, you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK.*
The two programs I'm highlighting here, are Belarc Adviser and Piriform's Speccy. Both programs are free. I have used both programs for years and have found them impossible
to be without. When I upgrade anything, I have to know exactly what hardware or
Software I'm dealing with. Such things as knowing firmware versions and product keys
can make the difference between smooth upgrades and unmitigated nightmares.
I use both programs to record as much information about a computer as possible
before re-installing the operating system. It is always a good idea to get all updates,
both firmware and software, from a clean computer, before re-installing.
Belarc Advisor, can be downloaded at
Speccy, can be downloaded at
The entire Article can be found here:

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