Atheism: The Seinfeld of Religions

2 years ago

Bruce S. Bertram of The Word of God Ministries and presents a short video on Atheism as a religion. Better yet, the Seinfeld of Religions, because it's "all about nothing." We have comparisons on giving, deaths in war, what's good in Christianity compared to the accomplishments of atheism, and etc.

This video was made for Christians and other truly open-minded people. We want to help expose atheism for what it is - a morally bankrupt religion about nothing. There is nothing to it, nothing in it, and nothing worth trading all of what God gives believers for it. The reality is that atheists are full of hate for God, and disguise the hate with a whitewash of devotion to the god of science and self. The original hater and atheist (sometimes called Lucifer or the deceiver) tried to sell this "you can be as God" lie way back when and started us down this road of misery, pain, suffering, and death. Don't fall for it again. Atheism is in fact another word for hate.

You'll notice there are gaps in the comments, where it looks like a response is given to a non-existent query or statement. This is because comments have been deleted (usually by the atheist). When we first posted this video, we were hit with a surge of atheists commenting. All of the dislikes came at that time, all from atheists. Which means of course that the video is right on track. We could see that we must have been the subject of discussion boards somewhere, and several atheists took it upon themselves to attack. Probably there are roving packs of atheists on the web just looking to jump Christians any time something against atheism is posted. Just so you know.

Links used in the video:
Daniel Smarrt reference

Barna Research reference

Stan, the 40 year atheist is at

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