Food is For Life, NOT Death, A Series: Episode #1 Alkalinity is Life, Acidity is Death

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Food is For Life, NOT Death, A New Series: Episode #1

We will be LIVE today with a New Show Series entitled, Food is For Life, Not Death, and this series will feature Colleen and I along with Eugene, and potentially even Justin Carpenter and Aaron X Jesse...

2:30pm PST, 4:30pm CST, 5:30pm EST, 10:30pm UK Time, 11:30pm SAST, 7:30am Sydney Australia, 9:30am Wellington NZ

Today is Episode #1, and is entitled, Alkalinity is Life, Acidity is Death...and on the show today will start this incredible journey of Truth upon the Most SOLID of Foundations, by bringing the Teachings of Jesus Christ, and the very Structure of God and Mother Earth's creations into context, so that Everyone will be ABEL to See the Simplicity, Logic and Common Sense of all the Truth we will be sharing with you...

There is NO LOGIC or Reason, at all, to support the consumption of Animals as a source of Food, as their forms, as food, are completely ACIDIC to our Alkaline Bodies...this 'Food' only causes us Pain, Suffering and early Death...but it is FAR WORSE than this, as when we partake in the Forced Rape, Imprisonment, Torture and then Mutilation of Animals, we are KILLING the very Life Force within us that gives LIFE to our Physical forms, which is our Soul...and thus, eating Animals is a SIN of gargantuan levels, causing us to FALL deeper and deeper into the Dark Realms of Hell upon Earth, and is the most powerful reason why this perfect Earth is now completely obfuscated by the Dark Mantle of the Cabal's 'World'...

Know this, when you partake in this abomination against Animals, you are Godless, Motherless and Christless, but perhaps even worse than this (if that is even possible), is that you are Supporting the Satanic Agenda of your OWN WORST ENEMY, which is the Cabal, both Outside of You and Within You, in the form of your are standing up daily for those who HATE You and LIE to You at every turn, and you are turning your back on the Holy Trinity, which are those who Truly Love You, day after day after day...

It is time to WAKE UP to the Here and Now in Divine Consciousness... ALL Protein is made by Plants, ALL Physical Life upon this Earth comes thru the SON in the Sky; thus, Plants are our Divine Living Foods, while the Murder of Animals is completely Satanic as Animal Flesh and Products provide us with NOTHING that we actually Need, while causing Endless Pain and Suffering, which leads to our early Deaths...

We are NOT dying young from Old Age, rather you are witnessing the systematic MURDER of Human Beings thru Toxins...we are being POISONED to Death, starting from the moment we are Born into this Sick and Diseased World of Lies that the Canaanites have created for us, and we all Gleefully Consent to...

But, NO is time to Choose, but when you Choose from now on, CHOOSE WISELY...

So, make sure you join us for this MAGICAL show tonight, as you will be blown away by all of the Perfect Symbology revealed within this Movie...

Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 75 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

Or to the Givesendgo Page that Justin Carpenter set up to help our Rescued Animals,

Check out our new website and Sign Up! This is a space where we can be free to express and connect, far away from censorship of the overbearing Big Tech corporations...

To help support the website development which has been a significant cost, please consider checking out our store!

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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