Littering might make a bigger stink than one might think

1 year ago

Littering can cause a lot of problems to our environment and also to the critters. This poor skunk got his head stuck inside a cup and is wandering around aimlessly bumping into things and spraying because it's scared and can't see where it is going. Skunks are nocturnal animals that are naturally mild-mannered and non-aggressive. They prefer small animals and insects for dinner instead of garbage. However that is not to say they are not attracted to the smell of rotting food in garbage containers or trash that has simply been thrown on the ground. It is our responsibility to ensure that garbage containers are properly stored and secured. There is simply no excuse to litter ever! Littering causes harm to our environment and to the other forms of life we share this planet with. My hope is somehow this skunk is able to get rid of the cup that is stuck on it's head.

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