Winter is Here Victoria

3 years ago

As it stands now the 4th Labor Lockdown of Victoria is on the brink of a devastating failure that would plunge our State back into a long dark winter of ongoing lockdowns, restrictions and suffering. This situation we find ourselves in is not too dissimilar from the disastrous winter the Andrews Labor government oversaw in 2020.

The recipe is almost identical in 2021:

- Failed Hotel Quarantine
- Failed Contact Tracing
- Failed Government Apps & Services
- Inconsistent Public Health Advice
- Made up Public Health Advice
- Inconsistent Restrictions
- Breaches in Aged Care
- Incompetent Leadership
- No Accountability
- No Transparency
- Police Brutality
- Media Misinformation
- No Real Support for Business
- No Real Support for Workers

(Feel free to add any ingredients that are missing in the comments)

But wait it gets worse, because we haven't even added the main ingredient to this familiar recipe. The Honourable Daniel Andrews is set to take back the reigns from his cronies at some point this month, just in time to exacerbate the situation as only he can before he "saves" Victoria again.

The #istandwithdan cult have resigned themselves to this fate long ago, because it’s a “global pandemic” and “we are all in this together” so our dear leader will save us. The rest of the community however are not so forgiving anymore, because the facts are clearer now, and we need only look at the rest of the States in Australia to know there is something very wrong in the State of Victoria.

Andrews, Merlino, Foley, Sutton, Patton and Weimar are the notable culprits in our State that should resign regardless of the outcome this week. Multiple failed attempts at leadership without any accountability to the people should not be tolerated when the stakes are this high. In any other setting these failures would've been canned a long time ago. Again, all of this is wishful thinking, as none of these men have shown any backbone or character when it comes to owning up to their mistakes, so the best we can hope for is Andrews throwing a few more of his mates under the bus to save his own skin.

Hopefully by some miracle or because of fear over community backlash the outcome is different this week and we end up with a sensible decision that serves the interest of all Victorians and not just those protecting their jobs on #springst

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