Fakeons, theories of higher-spin massive multiplets and (Palatini) quantum gravity - Zoom talk

2 years ago

Zoom talk for th Higher Spin Gravity online-club

Abstract: After reviewing the new diagrammatics involved in the concept of purely virtual particles (fakeons) and making comparisons with physical particles, ordinary ghosts and Lee-Wick ghosts, I show some of its applications, concentrating in particular on the formulation of unitary and renormalizable theories of massive higher-spin multiplets. A spin 3 multiplet of this type (Palatini multiplet) can be used to formulate a unitary and renormalizable theory of Palatini quantum gravity. These multiplets, coupled to quantum gravity, can also change its ultraviolet behavior.

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Libri miei:

1. Dalla fisica alla vita - Viaggio nell'infinitamente piccolo e ritorno
https://amzn.to/2V1UCCM (ebook)
https://amzn.to/3jE6ViV (cartaceo)

2. L'involuzione del pensiero scientifico - Come la civiltà perde conoscenza
https://amzn.to/37dZLdC (ebook)
https://amzn.to/3A3aeFr (cartaceo)

Testo universitario (avanzato):

3. Renormalization: https://amzn.to/3dAjwzV

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