Rubik's Cube. Invariant moves and solution (5x5x5, but valid for all)

2 years ago

The solution of Rubik's Cube

The invariant moves and the solution are valid for all cubes. For some reason, 5x5x5 is better than 3x3x3 to explain the main points

00:11 invariant 1 2
01:04 invariant 1 3
01:47 invariant 1 4
02:24 invariant 1 5
02:56 invariant 2 3
03:41 invariant 2 4
04:18 invariant C 1
05:05 invariant C 2
05:57 invariant S first part
06:22 invariant S second part (invariant C 2 *)

07:50 Solution
07:54 top central square
08:20 top sides
08:55 top corners
09:15 sides of second tier
09:41 middle second and third tier
11:32 sides of third tier
12:04 corners of bottom tier
12:35 central sides of bottom tier
13:00 sides of bottom tier minus one
14:14 remaining side of bottom tier and sides of fourth tier
Crucial point: arrange the sides of the fourth tier so that they are linked with the wrong one of the bottom tier: some cube denoted by 1 should go to some denoted by cube 2, which should go to 3, which should go to 4, which should go to 5, which should go to 1
If two are already in place, proceed to 14:49
14:35 use invariant 1 4 to move two at once to the right places
14:49 again invariant 1 4 to position the last three sides
15:24 rest

Practice with the app Magic Cube for smartphones

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