A History of Letter Writing and the Postal Service

3 years ago

In this video I share about my love of letter writing and why I'm determined to keep pen palling alive and thriving. I also give a concise history of the British and United States Postal Services, as well as the evolution of letter writing in our society. My generation is the last to have experienced life without the internet and I see how so many of life's simplicities have been lost along with it. I'm determined to share this joy of the written word, the sacrifice and peacefulness of taking the time to compose something for someone else, with anyone who is interested. Maybe someday we will be a completely digital society---but that time hasn't come yet and I'm committed to making sure it doesn't come round for a very long time!

If you are interested in applying for membership in the LADIES ONLY Victorian Letter Writers Guild, visit me here: https://victorianletterwritersguild.blogspot.com/p/pen-friend-sign-up.html

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