Top 5: Why We Don’t Trust Statements On The Economy

1 year ago

Many of us don’t - and there are reasons why

Do you trust the talking heads on TV telling you what the economy will do next?

If you are like many of us, the answer is “no”.

Why waste your time on their lies?

There are clear reasons why we don’t trust - and I examine them in this video.

Check it out and join us in the comments.

Video Contents:

0:00 - Introduction
1:04 - Disclaimer
1:11 - We Know The System Is Manipulated
2:30 - Long History Of Getting It Wrong
4:10 - Recent History Of Getting It Wrong
5:40 - Those Who Are Leading Have Messed Up
6:55 - It Disagrees With What We See
9:30 - Bringing It All Together


NOTE: While legal issues are discussed this is education and is not legal advice. It is not a substitute for the advice of an attorney. Please consult your own attorney on your situation and to get legal advice about your circumstances. Courts are unpredictable may disagree with the author’s opinions.

This is not financial or investment advice.

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Video Concepts:

Why We Don’t Believe Them, Top 5: Why We Don’t Trust Statements On The Economy, economy, economic forecasts, government, government trust, recession, depression, downturn, economic issues, r shawn mcbride, mcbride for business, who to trust, the news, trusting the news, trusting the media

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