2 years ago

Wow this is a truly viral video that is going to get out fast being leaked of the IRS training their new 8700 IRS agents to use and be equipped with firearms to use lethal force, this IRS training video has been leaked and is spreading virally, this is a viral video of the IRS training with rubber guns, this is truly one armed IRS training video you have to see to believe… Did you know that they are hiring 87,000 IRS agents with a additional funding of $80 billion, it is said By numerous reports, that the IRS will be attacking the middle class, not the rich and not the poor they will be going after the working class folks report say, this video I did not get a chance to validate, but it looks legitimate, be sure and do your own research to see the legitimacy of the video if for some reason this is a made up video it will serve as great entertainment… Otherwise many news reports have noted that the IRS has hired or will hire 87,000 new agents and these agents will have ammunition and firearms, this is a video of the IRS agents training 87,000 IRS agents to audit, an 87,000 IRS agents to be hired, it has been written that they are able to use deadly force, this is breaking news, this is the news on IRS 87,000 jobs. So if you haven’t started prepping yet or prepping 2022 getting ready for SHTF and all the other world crisis is let’s add another emergency preparedness reason and that’s the IRS getting mega pumped with additional 87,000 agents, and empowering them with firearms, so yes it is definitely time to be prepping for SHTS not only do you have to worry about inflation and hyperinflation and empty shelves and food shortages but now you have to worry about the IRS coming after your money Allegedly.

Remember if you’re prepping for SHTF a prepper or a brand new prepper a newbie prepper, and watching many Prepping channels such as prep or nurse one prep or nurse one, or Alaska prepper, or prepared Homestead, or even Canadian Prepper the legend, or just watch a lot of top news to know that there is a lot of crisis and food shortages and inflation and hyperinflation and knowing that there’s enough crisis around the world that you should be thinking about emergency preparedness, I personally watch lots of those prepper channels starting started with Canadian prepper a while back and listen to many other guys including for spectrum survival, Poplar Preparedness, a lot of great prepping channels out there a lot of great preppers to, but this video is breaking news it’s the news that’s out it’s the top news it’s leaked videos of the IRS, breaking news stories for 2022 but this is breaking news today this is the type of stuff that preppers want to know about for prepping and for upcoming SHTF situations they want to know about the 87,000 new IRS agents and the IRS training video,

So I can say that the IRS agents will probably be trained not trained as good as you’d like them to be trained who knows what the agenda is on what they’re going to go after not even sure if this video is real but it looks real, be sure to do your own research to find out more information I am assuming many news agencies will be displaying this video of IRS agents being trained for deadly force and engagement of different things such as search warrants and home raids and investigations etc. $80 billion of additional funding for the IRS for these 86,852 new hires for the IRS, stay tuned keep learning about the newest and greatest from Riverside Homestead and Riverside Homestead Life,

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