Doctor Explains Why U.S. Medicine Is Dangerous | Dr. John Abramson Ep. 709

2 years ago

Dr. John Abramson is a physician, lecturer of health care policy at Harvard Medical School, and author of Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine. His latest book is Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It.

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What We Discuss with Dr. John Abramson:
0:00 - Intro
0:06 - The more you spend on healthcare the less healthy you are
6:14 - The insane cost of big pharma advertisements
13:08 - Biotech makes you think "innovation" means better
15:25 - Controlling the congress on both sides
16:45 - Drug companies have hijacked science-based medicine
25:40 - Pharma gets away with killing as many people as the Vietnam War
34:27 - Doctors trusting medical journals can't be trusted
37:06 - Most studies are done by companies, not academics
44:21 - People join systems to help others then get corrupted
52:03 - If doctors can't trust medical journals, what should they do?
55:26 - Understanding anti-vax people (but vaccines are still awesome)
1:03:11 - What do nations with successful healthcare do differently?
1:12:38 - Does capitalism do anything well for healthcare?
1:14:10 - America's system is only getting worse
1:18:38 - The solution is to take health into your own hands

Despite the fact that the US spends more on healthcare than other nations — both on a per-capita basis and relative to its wealth — the amount of time Americans live in good health ranks a dismal 68th in the world. And while it may seem like we’re drifting into wingnut territory by blaming it on popular conspiracy scapegoat “Big Pharma,” the pharmaceutical industry’s overweighted influence in the halls of American policy is well-documented. It’s no exaggeration to say that securing record profits for its shareholders is Big Pharma’s primary goal. Anything else — including the health of the very people who depend on its products — is secondary.

On this episode, we’re joined by Dr. John Abramson, author of Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine and Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It. Here, John explains why Big Pharma has such a stranglehold on the way healthcare works (or, more accurately, doesn’t work) for the American public, the consequences of allowing such an amoral behemoth to run slipshod over the welfare of the people it’s supposed to serve, and what can be done to heal the hurt it’s caused over the course of decades. Listen, learn, and enjoy!

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