Part 1 - Foster Gamble and Nassim Haramein - Unified Field Trip

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This is the first 31 minutes of a 2 hour subscriber-only interview with Nassim Haramein as a lead-up to the THRIVE II Watch Party to be held on August 27, 2022 at 11AM Pacific time. Click here to register for the Watch Party -

Want to watch Part 2 of Foster’s interview with Nassim? Click here to sign-up for a free 7 Day Trial Membership to the FREEDOM PORTAL -

This interview was Recorded LIVE on January 16, 2021 for FREEDOM PORTAL subscribers - Foster’s guest is probably the leading pioneer of all time in United Field Theory. Cosmologist, Physicist, Inventor Nassim Haramein was featured in both Thrive I and Thrive II. Nassim has recently completed an epic series of papers correcting and completing Einstein’s quest for an accurate UFT. Foster and Nassim have been colleagues for over two decades and this will be a conversation for the ages with time for questions from listeners.

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