Eliminating Farmers - Control Food - Digital ID

2 years ago

British farmers are being offered a lump sum payment to leave the industry

Farming is one of the oldest professions in the world. And in the UK, the people who farm are a part of a rapidly ageing workforce. Four in ten British farmers are over 65, while the average age is 59.


Europe’s farmers revolt has just begun – more countries join in

In the Netherlands, farmers are protesting against the Rutte government’s climate activism and the alleged nitrogen crisis that will destroy a third of all farms in the country. Now the Duch are getting support from German farmers.


A Popular Uprising Against the Elites Has Gone Global

A popular uprising of working-class people against the elites and their values is underway—and it's crossing the globe. There is a growing resistance by the middle and lower classes against what Rob Henderson has coined the "luxury beliefs" of the elites, as everyday folks realize the harm it causes them and their communities.


Globalists Are Taking Over the Food System — It’s Part of Their Plan to Control You

The globalist takeover is coming at us from every possible angle. Whether we’re talking about biosecurity, finance, housing, healthcare, energy, transportation or food, all the changes we’re now seeing have one goal, and that is to force compliance with the globalists’ agenda.


All three Prairie Provinces say NO to Trudeau’s starvation policy

The Prairie Provinces are in revolt, with the Premiers of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba unanimously rejecting Trudeau’s proposed fertilizer reduction policy.


Prime Minister Trudeau plans to starve the world to save it

Canada is one of the world’s key breadbaskets, and its left-wing Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who seems to have lost all contact with reality, is determined to reduce Canada’s food production.


Trudeau, WEF “Digital ID For Travelers” Brings Social Credit To Canada

The Liberal government of Canada and World Economic Forum (WEF) are collaborating on a Digital ID project to introduce a social credit system for Canadian travellers.

According to The CounterSignal, the World Economic Forum’s “Known Traveller Digital Identity” program is based on a digital identity that allows governments to confirm proof of citizenship and other elements of identity.


Authoritarian Justin Trudeau Wants To Use Facial Recognition Digital ID For Travel By Next Year

The Trudeau government has been working with major Canadian airlines to formally bring in digital ID, facial recognition, and biometric travel documents to air travel by 2023.


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