"YOU'RE FIRED, ELIJAH" -Bishop Barron

2 years ago

Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Monsignor Charles Pope is on to talk about how we can reject the novelties and abuses we see in the Novus Ordo Mass and yet avoid "throwing out the baby with the bathwater"?

ALSO – Hector Molina discusses whether God punished Elijah for his...violence?

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What’s Concerning Us –
A couple was taken into custody on Sunday after the pair allegedly admitted to engaging in sexual intercourse while on the Giant Wheel at Cedar Point, where other riders, including two minors, could see them.
Swiss Bishops issue report
More of the same on Synodality
The Poor, excluded, Women, Inclusive, Gay, Trans

Guest Seg. Dr. Michael Robillard – Don't Go to College-
Dr. Michael Robillard is an independent scholar, philosopher, and Iraq war veteran. He has held prior academic appointments at the University of Notre Dame, the University of Oxford, and the US Naval Academy. His past writings have focused on issues concerning civil/military relations, veterans’ issues, the ethics of automated technology, and free speech in academia. He is also a devout Roman Catholic, an American, and a patriot. He hails from Whitman, Massachusetts.
What is wrong with College today?
Why should parents NOT send their kids straight off to College?
What can be done to fix it? Is it repairable?

2nd Guest Seg. Tito Edwards – BigPulpit.com -
Stages of Persecution

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IG: @TheCatholicHack
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Adrian Social Media
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Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

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